All mums know maternity wear can be quite expensive and we don't want to fork out loads of money for a temporary wardrobe.
At the same time, we want some style in our lives, no-one wants to wear a giant smock for nine months!
These are some tips on how you can make the most out of your existing wardrobe during pregnancy.
1. DIY belly band
Have a pair of jeans you love but they will no longer zip up?
Just take a stretchy old t-shirt that no longer fits and cut it in half.
Use the bottom half of it to cover the top of your jeans so no-one can see they aren't closed and pop a long t-shirt or tunic on top.
2. Menswear is your friend
Instead of heading straight to maternity wear, check out the menswear for t-shirts and long shirts.
H&M, Bershka and Penneys have great menswear, such as band t-shirts and lumberjack shirts which look great on women also.
Plus they're cheap and cheerful!
Men's tank tops are also that bit longer and will cover your bump nicely.
3. Say hello to leggings
Some women find jeans are too much hassle altogether during the later stages of pregnancy and leggings are a great alternative.
Again, they are really cheap, comfortable and you can buy them in all patterns and colours to match your existing wardrobe.
4. Bra extenders
Your boobs will definitely get bigger during pregnancy and if they are spilling out of the cups, it's time to get a new bra.
However, if it's just the back that feels too tight, buy a bra extender to give you a little extra room.
Again these are extremely cheap and are available in Penneys and M&S.
5. Slip-on shoes
Hang on to your trusty plimsolls and loafers, you'll need shoes that just slip on later in your pregnancy.
Bending over while heavily pregnant is NOT fun...
5. The elastic band trick
This is a great hack, beloved by pregnant women everywhere.
Take an elastic band or hair tie and put it through the button hole of the waistband of your jeans and loop it around to anchor.
Pull the elastic over to the button and hook it.
The stretchier the elastic, the more extra waistband you’ll have.
When this becomes too difficult or the elastic breaks, upgrade to a belly band.