From dropping the kids to football or swimming, helping with homework, putting the washing on and making the lunches, there is very little time left in the evenings to cook dinner.
But there is nothing quite like coming home and enjoying a piping hot lasagne or curry - eating a cold sandwich just won’t cut it this winter.
Sadly however, according to the research from Whirlpool, the impact of modern life on Irish cooking habits means that many of us don’t have the time to prepare a hot dinner in the evening, admitting that it's tough juggling everything.
To ensure Irish mums are going to bed with a full, warm tummy, Whirlpool have designed new smart technologies to ease the evening workload, so you’ll have no excuse not to eat something hot.
Their new 6th Sense Ready 2 Cook Technology can heat an oven to optimal temperature literally at the touch of button, rather than waiting up to 15 minutes to fully heat up*. 

To ensure you are well-fed each evening take note of the following tips:
1. Cut back on your social media
You’ll be surprised by how much time and effort you put into scrolling through your social media accounts – time that could be spent whipping up tasty bangers and mash or even some warm scones.
Turn your phone off, pop on the radio and concentrate – it won’t take as long as you expect.
2. Sketch out your meals each Sunday
Spend about twenty minutes on Sunday evening mapping out what you and your family are going to eat for the week. This will take the thinking out of cooking and will mean you’ll know what to look for as soon as you open the cupboard.
Invest in a nice notepad that fits in your handbag and you can even write it while you're commuting to and from work.
3. Invest in smart technology
Celebrity chef and Whirlpool ambassador Catherine Fulvio has used Whirlpool’s 6th Sense Technology for the past year in both her home and cookery school, and has seen the positive impact it’s had on both her cooking and time management.
Catherine, who understands just how important managing time is when it comes to cooking, says: “There’s a huge passion for cooking and for good food in Ireland, but we know that people are struggling to fit it all into their busy lives. Whirlpool appliances halve the time my dough needs to rise, which means I can put fresh bread on the table in much less time."
4. Share the responsibility around
Take it in turns to cook – it is not up to you to do everything and don’t assume that you have to. If possible, ask your other half to prepare some meals on the days you are extra busy and vice versa, you’ll get a lot more done that way and still enjoy something warm and nutritious.
5. Chop your vegetables for the week
If you’re using carrots one evening, chop enough for two or three dinners and leave them in a bowl in the fridge. Realistically, it will only take you an extra five minutes and will mean the next time you cook it’ll be a lot quicker.
Do the same with all your veggies and you'll be eating hot and healthy in no time. 
To view the full range of Whirlpool's 6th Sense Technology, click here.
Economist John Lowe, the Money Doctor, has endorsed the inclusion of smart appliances as a clever cost saving strategy in the home, saying: “While the initial outlay for a new oven may seem daunting, if it results in over an hour less usage per week, you can easily see how the energy saving turns into extra pennies in your pocket."
*Conventional ovens can take up to 15 minutes to pre-heat, but with Whirlpool’s 6th Sense Ready 2 Cook technology the family dinner can be on the table much quicker, allowing families to focus on quality time for the rest of the evening. It can also result in cost savings, as they don’t need to be used for as long as regular appliances.

