If, in the last of the back to school rush, a thing or two has slipped off the to-do list (it happens to us all every year), there is good news - at least for Vhi customers.
If you're a Vhi policyholder, you'll be delighted to know that they have decided to extend their online advantage offer, originally ending today, August 31 - which sees customers be able to claim cashback of at least €100 (it could be more for families, depending) - until October 1st. This also applies to those who are members via their work health insurance schemes.
It's a once-off offer which all current customers can avail of, rolled out to entice members to pay their premium by direct debit and move to paperless communication.
Health insurance consultant with totalhealthcover.ie, Dermot Goode, said that this will be welcome news to customers, who may have forgotten about the offer.
“It’s great that VHI are extending the offer as I think that, until this week, many policyholders were not aware of it – or were somewhat oblivious to the August 31st deadline. We have experienced a spike in the number of calls from policyholders in recent days asking if it applies to them and if they are too late."
He also clarified that those who are Vhi customers on their work health insurance schemes, are still entitled to the cash back.
"Something that we have noticed is that many people who are VHI members through their work health insurance scheme assume that because their employer pays their premium, this offer doesn’t apply to them – it does! They, like everybody else, are entitled to sign up online and receive the €50 bonus. This money will go straight into the employee/ policyholder’s bank account. It doesn’t matter whether the employer is paying the premiums by direct debit or cheque, once they sign up online they qualify.”
If you have yet to avail of the offer, see vhi.ie/onlineadvatage and get doing so before October 1!