Giovanna Fletcher has always been open and honest about life as a mum and her latest post is no different. The mum-of-three has taken to Instagram to share the most refreshingly honest post about her pregnancy body, and there’s no doubt many mums will relate to it.
The author posed in a pair of colourful dungarees and explained why she decided to wear them today: “Decided to step away from the black today. I’m currently at a very odd post-pregnancy stage where my clothes usually make me feel poo... nothing fits.”
She explained: “My maternity wear makes me look pregnant still and my ‘normal’ clothes either don’t do up or create all sorts of interesting lumps and bumps.”
Over two months have passed since Giovanna gave birth to her third son Max and the mum admitted she isn’t focusing on losing weight: “I’m 10 weeks in and thankfully not berating my body after its wonderful job of bringing another healthy child into my life.”
She shared that the pop of colour has given her quite a confidence boost: “But today this outfit has made me feel good. I smile every time I look down or catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.”
It is so hard for mums not to feel pressured to lose weight after pregnancy, especially when they see celebrity mums looking as glamorous as ever so soon after birth.
Giovanna’s post is reassuring and eye-opening. We admire how real the Some Kind of Wonderful writer is.