
739 posts
OxyGrass - Feedback
17/04/2014 15:58
Thank you for taking part in the OxyGrass trial, we hope you enjoyed the trial and can't wait to hear your feedback.
1 post
OxyGrass - Feedback
01/09/2014 13:41
I have been taking the oxygrass for 2 and1/2 weeks now. I had never heard about oxygrass before but was very eager to try it. I found the tablets very easy to take but have to admit more times than not i would forget the afternoon and evening tablets, i really wish you could get the goodness from just one tablet. Even still, when i started taking them i had a cold and i found iit cleared up very very quickly. i also suffer from cold sores quite a bit and am happy to say i have not even had a tingle. I did find a slight difference in my energy levels but nothing too much.

My skin and nails look and feel healtier, (have even been told that my skin look great by a couple of people). I didn't find it helped with weight loss, even though id been excercising more and eating better (sorry) that was one area i had really hoped it would work.

Many thanks for the oppurtunity to test this product. depending on the price, i would definately recommend it to friends.

