Your baby will need a lot of things when travelling, especially if you are planning to take them on a trip. Here is a quick check-list of the things you might need to take with you when travelling with your baby to make sure that you will not forget anything:
Nappies – make sure to have one for each hour of your travel plus extra nappies if there is a delay.
Blankets – this is important so that you have something clean to lay or cover your baby with during the travel.
Nappy Rash Cream – if your baby has nappy rash.
Clothes, booties or shoes and socks – make sure to bring at least 2 outfits that can be used in a day.
First Aid Kit – this is essential for emergency purposes as you will never know when your baby might get sick.
Toys – this is important for when your baby gets bored, they have something they can play with and to prevent them from throwing tantrums and distract them if they cry.
These are just some of the few things you should not forget when preparing a travel pack for your baby. There are some personal items that you might want to pack as well, but remember that these are the most essential and the ones that should not be left at home.

