Peter Andre has taken a stand for the mums who staged a breastfeeding protest at a Sports Direct store in Nottingham recently. 
The protest was in reaction to an incident that occurred in the store when a young mum was asked to leave for breastfeeding her baby.
Peter became a dad for the third time after his fiancée, Emily McDonagh, recently gave birth to their daughter, Amelia, and he voiced his opinion on the situation in his New magazine column.
He wrote: “It’s very strange that something so natural can be criticised. I know that not everyone can breastfeed and there is nothing wrong with those who can’t. But for those who choose to, it’s such an amazing thing and it has so many benefits. I think it’s good these women stood up for their rights.”
The singer is also dad to nine year-old Junior, and seven year-old Princess, with his ex-wife, Katie Price. 

