When it comes to choosing a name for your little one, many of us want to go for something pretty and sweet that represents your little one's purity and innocence.


If you are expecting your little one in the next few months, why not go for a name that will always remind you of the beautiful season that they were born into.


Here are 25 flower names perfect for your little girl:


1. Alyssa - a Mediterranean plant with yellow, pink and purple flowers.


2. Azalea -  this Greek name is an exotic and colourful flower.


3. Amaryllis - native of South Africa, it is also known as the Belladonne Lily.


4. Bryony - a tree climbing herb, this name has a beautiful ring to it.


5. Dahlia - meaning from the valley.


6. Daisy - not only is this a lovely flower name, it is also a great vintage choice if you are looking for something a little old fashioned.


7. Fleur - the French word for flower, it has become more popular since Fleur Delacour in Harry Potter.


8. Heather - an evergreen plant that thrives on peaty land, this is a really pretty girl’s name.


9. Iris - meaning rainbow, it was also the name of the Greek goddess of the rainbow.


10. Ivy - meaning faithfulness.


11. Jasmine - a gorgeous fragrant flower.


12. Lei - meaning flower bud.


13. Lily - the lily represents purity, perfect for your little one.


14. Linnea - meaning lime tree.


15. Marigold - known as the herb of the sun, it usually comes in bright yellow or gold.


16. Pansy - meaning thought. 


17. Poppy - a beautiful red flower it is also used to commemorate soldiers who have died in war.


18. Posy - meaning a bunch of flowers.


19. Primrose - meaning first rose.


20. Rose - a beautifully fragrant flower.


21. Saffron - technically a spice, this is a gorgeous and exotic name.


22. Sage - meaning wise.


23. Violet – this pretty purple flower means purple.


24. Willow – meaning slender and graceful.


25. Yasmin – a pretty white flower meaning fragrant flower or God’s gift. 


