Rebekah Vardy has penned a harrowing open letter about her traumatic childhood. The mum celebrated her daughter's 15th birthday this week, which triggered harrowing memories from her past. Alongside a series of photos from her childhood and one of Vardy and her daughter, she opened up about the abuse she suffered when she was a young girl.
Before sharing her personal story, she urged the public to seek urgent help, “Lockdown will be a terrible time for some children and young people. Please don’t turn a blind eye. If you think a child is in immediate danger please dial 999 or contact your local authority social care department or NSPCC.”
She also urged children to call Childline if they need help.
“Yesterday my daughter turned 15 and I’m so happy that she is still a child. This may sound strange to some people but I know that it will resonate with others who didn’t get to be children for long enough.
“By the time I was 15 I wasn’t a child anymore and the year that I turned 15 was the year that my life really started to spiral out of control. From the age of 12 I had been being sexually abused in my own home by someone I had trusted.
“I had already taken an overdose of pills and vodka in an attempt to end the awful feelings of shame, fear and anger that I couldn’t find another way to escape from. I already hated myself. Just a few months later I was made homeless and ended up sleeping on sofas and collecting glasses in a pub to make enough money to allow me to rent a room in a B&B to live in - I was 15 and should still have been a child.”
The mum added: “Seeing Megs turn 15 and knowing that she is fortunate enough to feel safe, loved and content makes me feel very happy and extremely lucky.”
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