After you’ve had a baby, going grocery shopping is never going to be the same again!


Here are six ways going shopping is never going to be the same again:


Taking your time:



Before baby arrived, you could spend a few minutes comparing different varieties of food, prices and brands and choose the best.



You literally grab the first thing on the shelf that looks like the item you need. You’ll usually realise as soon as you get home, that it’s not actually what you wanted.



Mulling over the flowers:



Your home could definitely do with a few, fresh flowers to brighten up the room.



You wouldn’t dare go near the flowers for fear your baby would eat them!



Using your list:



List? What list?



Your list is written in the order of how items are laid out on the store. You even write the prices beside each one so that you know exactly how much you have to spend.






You love walking into the store to find sample stands with plenty of samples on show.



The smell of fresh samples makes your mouth water as soon as you step in through the door, usually because the only thing you’ve managed to have time to make since this morning is a cup of tea.  



Packing them into bags:



Everything is neatly packed into certain bags: the fruit and veggies are in one bag, the pasta and sauces are in another and you ain’t getting them mixed up.



You literally fling items into whatever bag you grab first – you don’t care if you’ve put the ice-cream in with the hot chicken.  At least you didn’t forget the bags, again!



Going for a coffee after:



Shopping is exhausting and you totally deserve a coffee and a piece of carrot cake in the coffee shop before you have to do the dreaded unpacking. It’s the only reason you do the shopping and not your other half!



Yeah, right! You want to head home as soon as possible because a) your baby has dirtied their nappy, b) it is approximately ten minutes to feeding time or c) you can sense a crying fest. It’s time to get out and fast!  



It's ok, we're all in this together!




