Signs to look out for to know if your little one is ready for weaning

There are many signs that your baby can show to tell you they are ready for weaning. On average, babies are ready to start weaning at six months, but you should not introduce solids into their diets before 17 weeks. It’s always best to check with your healthcare advisor and ask them any questions you may have about weaning. They should also be able to provide you with handy tips on how to start the weaning stage.

There are three stages of weaning that occur as your baby gets older. The older your little one gets, the more new foods they can try. It may take trail and error as it is common for babies to refuse to eat new foods. To help them get adjusted to new foods, don't force them to eat it and if they refuse, leave it a few days and try it again. 

Some of the signs that you baby may display to show they’re ready for weaning are:

  • Your baby can sit up on their own and can hold their head up

  • Your little one starts reaching out and grabbing for other food and shows a genuine interest in what you’re eating

  • Your baby starts putting things in their mouth, sucking their fists or chewing toys etc.

  • Your tot will lose their tongue-thrust reflex- babies are born with the instinct to use their tongues to push objects away from their mouth so when they’re ready to start weaning, they will stop doing this

  • Your baby starts demanding feeds more often or they still seem hungry after their usual milk feed

When it comes to weaning, it can be hard to know where to start and what you should give your baby first. That's why Milupa's Pure Baby Rice is a great way to get started. It is tailor-made for little tummies and has added Vitamin B1 to ensure your tot is getting the right nutrients as they begin their weaning journey. With no artificial flavourings and no added sugar or salt, this baby rice will go down a treat as you start to wean your baby.

When your baby is further along in their weaning journey, the Milupa Multigrain Porridge is a great cereal to incorporate into their diet. It is suitable for babies 6-10 months+ and includes a blend of seven cereals, including wheat, oat, barley and rye. Just like the Pure Baby Rice, it contains no artificial colours, flavourings or preservatives and has no added sugar or salt. 

The signs we've listed may not be definite indicators that your tot is ready to start the weaning stage but are good examples of what it can look like when they are ready to move onto solid foods. So, if your baby is displaying these signs and are older than 17 weeks, it may be the right time to start your weaning journey. 

For more information on the stages of weaning and to see more of Milpua's product range that makes weaning easier, check out 


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