The two metre social distancing rule could be changed when pubs and restaurants re-open at the end of the month. It is understood that the restriction could be lowered to one metre if customers leave after 90 minutes.
The new draft guidelines, issued by the Health Protection Surveillance Centre, state that customers will also have to pre-book their visits to pubs that serve food and restaurants too.
It also states that pubs must offer a substantial meal costing no less than €9 to re-open as a restaurant. It should also be big enough to be considered a main meal for either lunch or dinner.
CMO Tony Holohan previously stressed that if pubs want to re-open as a restaurant then they should serve proper meals and not just crisps and peanuts, “A few people getting together for a few pints and a packet of peanuts doesn’t constitute a restaurant.”
Fáilte Ireland are hoping to publish the guidelines in the coming days, however they are awaiting clarity on some guidelines from the Health Protection Surveillance Centre.
Pubs that serve food and restaurants are set to re-open on June 29. Pubs must have a restaurant licence to re-open at the end of the month.