We love Stacey Solomon. No really, we do – she speaks her mind and takes absolutely no sh*t. She is up for a laugh, makes fun of herself and drives her partner Joe mad (in a fun way). What’s not to love?
She shares times with her 3.2m fans on Instagram when she isn’t feeling great and has is honest about her good and bad days too. So, when a troll gets dug into her, we get really, really annoyed.
Yesterday Stacey shared some of her favourite messages that she gets from followers – they were sweet and just what you’d expect.
She said she loved reading her followers messages which included uplifting DMs such as:
“You make me smile”
“I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for your encouraging messages, they have really helped. The dark is creeping in and I feel so broken. Thank you for making me feel less alone”
“Thank YOU for being such a motivation in my recovery! You are an absolute inspiration”
But then you have one stupid c*w that ruins it all – with a message calling Stacey ugly. “Your [sic] so ugly” – it is a terrible pity that this person can’t spell properly but what’s even more distressing is why, oh why, would you message someone with that?! A message like that can take the good of the previous other 100 nice messages and give you such a body blow to your confidence.
What’s more, this wasn’t the first time that person had DM’ed her being nasty – there was a previous message after a separate post calling her ‘a mad freak’.
Remember when you were younger and an adult would say ‘if you’ve nothing nice to say, say nothing at all’ yeah? That advice is relevant for what you type too.
Stacey finished the day with this beautiful quote which sums up the kind of person that she is.