Hello April!
Firstly, I want to introduce our new arrival!
Samuel Ryan, a gorgeous baby boy, is now five weeks old. We are just delighted with him, and he is (so far) so well behaved. I am currently nursing him full-time, so there are many sleepless nights, but I'm surviving so far.
It’s been super-busy here at Stylemama, especially after our slot on Xposé last week and returning back to work only days after little Samuel arrived. So, for this month I have decided to chat about nursing wear and must-have pieces for your visit to hospital.
Nursing is not for everyone, and whatever you decide to do is perfect for you and your baby. I have done both bottle and breastfeeding, and I enjoyed both experiences.
The products I am going to chat about are ones I personally could not have survived without while in hospital last month. I have to say a big 'thank you' to the amazing staff at Holle Street Hospital, too.
So, the very first products that comes to my mind are nursing bras. You need just two or three for your bag, depending on how long you will be staying. Trust me - having engorged boobs and going from a D-cup to an F/G wasn’t easy - comfort and good support were a must.
For a daytime nursing bra, the Second Skin Fuller Bust Bra is superb. You can buy the original Second Skin Nursing Bra for the smaller cup size, and these are stretchy, supportive and fast drying too; my most favourite item I have ever purchased.
For night-time, I had the Seamless Sleep Bra. This comes in a pewter colour and a cute polka dot pattern. Did I mention that it's a 'sleep' bra? Yes, you can certainly leave this on overnight and it won’t irritate your breasts at all.
Next is for sure a pair of nipple shields. NUK do a great one; they are easy to use, and Samuel took to them so well. Unfortunately, this is something that can happen to most new mums; mine looked like hot cross buns and, without these shields, I probably would have given up. They gave me about four days' relief, and I continued to nurse and heal at the same time.
Another product I was actually given as a gift was the Boots Maternity Mum-To-Be Essential Kit. Costing about €18.00, it has the following inside:
Lanolin nipple cream – 5* product
Stretch mark oil spray
Maternity pads
Breast pads
Beauty bag
The best item was the lanolin cream; it’s amazing, and you just apply it after every feed. It makes life while nursing so much easier and is safe for Baby, too.
Pack into your hospital bag some warm/cool relief pads by Boob, made with organic cotton and filled with natural flaxseed. Use them warm or cold, to prevent clogged milk ducts and ease swelling and tenderness.
Tip: A soaked baby nappy also does the trick and wraps perfectly around the breast. One of the nurses told me to try this, and it really did help a lot.
The next and last three items are also important, and I personally felt better having them with me. Buy a seamless cami and a seamless nursing nightdress. You can wear both to bed, and they are very supportive not only for the chest area but for your tummy, too. I found these to be discrete and easy-to-use, too; the fabric was light and breathable, which allows you to cool down at night-time.
The very last item we mention before is a Pomkin nursing top, I wore mine on arrival to hospital with bump and then again for going home. It’s stretchy, comfortable and looks the part with a pair of leggings.
I continue to use all of the above, and nursing is getting easier day by day. Life is so demanding for many of us, so remember to mind yourself as well as Baby.
Hopefully the sun will be shining soon, and by next month we can chat about maternity summer fashion - what’s hot and where to buy it.
Until next time, take care and we hope you enjoyed this article. Gillian x