Tasty tips to help you eat your 10 a day
By now, we’re probably all aware that eating lots of fruit and vegetables is good for us, but just as we start getting used to fitting five portions into our day, along comes new research that says 10 is much better. According to a recent study by Imperial College London, small amounts of fruit does have a health benefit, but eating more can give us an even bigger boost. In fact, it recommends that for optimum health benefits, we should be aiming for 10 portions of fruit and veg a day.
But squeezing so much fruit and vegetables into our diets is much easier said than done. It can be expensive too. So, what steps can you take to hit that elusive 10-a-day?
  1. Get stuck in at work
If you work in an office then there’s nothing to stop you gorging on fruit throughout the day. Not only will it stop you nibbling at unhealthy snacks, but the consumption of fruit at work has even been linked to higher levels of concentration and improved productivity. The only potential stumbling block is your budget. Fresh fruit is not cheap. One potential solution is to ask your employer to add fresh fruit to your list of employee benefits. Fruit delivery companies like Fruitful Office can supply your workplace with baskets of fresh fruit to keep you well stocked. 
  1. Throw extras in your breakfast
Adding a few extras to your breakfast is an easy way to get a head start on your 10-a-day. Fancy cereal for breakfast? Just cut up a banana and grab a handful of blueberries and throw them in. Just having a yoghurt? Berries of any kind are the perfect, nutrient-rich accompaniment. Treating yourself to some scrambled eggs? Fry or boil up some spinach and chuck it in. Not only will it get your fruit and veg counter started but you’ll also feel full for longer into the day.
  1. Add a side salad
Swapping sides of garlic bread for a salad might not initially seem tempting, but adding greens to your meal is a really easy way to get that counter ticking. Simply piling up the salad, tossing it with some olive oil and throwing in some tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers or whatever else you have in the fridge will easily add two to three portions in your quest for 10-a-day. The bonus is, by making a side salad your new norm, just think how good that garlic bread will taste when it’s time for a treat!
  1. Make a great big soup
Buying lunch at work every day can cost a small fortune. An easy way to reduce your expenditure substantially and hit your 10-a-day is to make a big batch of soup at the start of the week that will last for three or four days. Make sure it has plenty of rainbow vegetables floating in an earthy broth and you’ll have a healthy, tasty, cost-effective treat.
  1. Drink it
Drinking fruit juices and smoothies can help you reach your 10-a-day, but only in moderation. By drinking juices, you can end up consuming extra calories without knowing it, and you’ll also miss out on the all-important fibre that’s present in whole fruits and vegetables which is crucial for a healthy diet. If you do opt for a juice, make sure it contains 100 percent fruit and veg and nothing else.  
How many portions of fruit and vegetables do you eat a day? If you reach 10-a-day, how do you do it? Please share your tips with our readers. 

