The testing criteria for COVID-19 has been broadened in Ireland. The news has been welcomed by GPs across the country as Ireland prepares to ease lockdown restrictions.
It has been stressed that testing is one of the best ways to contain the disease.
At-risk groups will continue to be tested, as well as anyone with acute respiratory infection- a sudden cough, fever, shortness of breath- and with no other explanation for symptoms will be tested.
Any patients with a sudden cough, fever or shortness of breath who has been in close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 in the past two weeks will also be tested.
There has been a total of 21,983 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the Republic of Ireland. A total of 70 percent of patients have recovered since contracting the virus.
1,339 people have tragically died.
Click here for more information on COVID-19 and testing.