Choosing a name for your baby has to be up there as being one of the most difficult things new mums everywhere have to go through.


And while you are sure to have a lot of input from family and friends it doesn’t make it any easier - at the end of the day the final decision is yours (and your other half’s of course).


Here are ten struggles that new mums will have no doubt experienced...


1. Trying to choosing a name one else has

This is an impossible task! Even if you decide to make one up yourself you’re bound to hear somebody has it already.


2. Being asked to use a family name

Your mum just wants the tradition to live on, but you can’t quite get your head around your son or daughter having the same name as an 80-year-old relative...



3. When you like a name but not the person who you know has it

You have finally settled on a name, only to remember it is the same as your worst enemy – you couldn’t, could you?


4. Deciding how to spell it

Nowadays, it’s not just the name that many parents want to be unique, the spelling also has to be a little different.


5. Disagreeing with your other half

You’re both settled on a name and neither of you are budging; either you go double barreled or one of you compromises/ sacrifices...



6. Settling on a name that sounds cute now but not when they’re older

Baby Bunny sounds adorable; Adult Bunny not so much.


7. Everyone else’s input

Everyone will have an opinion on what you should call your little one, and what you shouldn’t call them...


8. Checking their initials

Finally settled on a first and second name? Before you sign on the dotted line check their initials – JCB, TIN, CAT, etc...



9. Anticipating possible nicknames

Kids can be cruel and you don’t want to give them ammunition by giving your child a name that has a rude nickname.


10. The rush to get it done quickly

It’s ok to still be deciding right up until your due date but you can’t name your little one Baby forever... Or can you?




