Since bacteria can’t be seen with the naked eye, it’s not always easy to wipe away every last piece of dirt when doing household chores.
Believe it or not, no amount of cleaning will truly get rid of stubborn bacteria that always manage to find their way back. 
Executive editor at Real Simple magazine revealed that we often overlook some of the dirtiest places in our home, leading to a build-up of invisible dirt.
A hot spot for germs is actually the wall by the toilet. Sarah Humphreys explained, “If you watch a toilet flush in slow motion, it looks like a fireworks display and microbes can go 20feet.”
This could be very worrying for parents with infants who need to hold on to walls to balance themselves on a toilet seat. She said “This is really gross. When you're washing the surfaces of your bathroom, get the walls.”
The toothbrush holder is another place where sneaky bacteria can be found. Since they survive in moist and dark places, Sarah suggests parents make a habit of washing their toothbrush holder and keeping it covered.
Less obvious spots for lurking bacteria include the remote control and light switches. She advises: “Your remote control is dirtier than a toilet handle and also a tissue box. Tackle an antibacterial wipe, and wipe them down.”

