A new craze is sweeping the country creating brilliant free fun for little ones. The concept is very simple. Find a rock, paint it or decorate it, hide it and someone else will find it. Simple. But so much fun for all involved.
Similar to Geocaching, the Rock hunt idea is much more simple and perfect for toddlers and young children in particular. It’s completely free costing only a splash of paint or some felt tips and not only can children enjoy discovering their rocks, they can also get involved decorating stones and pebbles to hide themselves, taking joy in that bit of the process as well as when someone finds ‘their’ rock they’ve painted.
I’ve just spent a happy hour with my four children searching out these little gems and picking up some plain ones to bring home and decorate.
The hidden rocks are typically small, flat garden stones with a simple picture or a nice message painted on either side.
The rocks are hidden in parks, with photos posted on a Facebook page so other parents can take their children to find the rocks, then re-hide them somewhere else.
So go on, find a stone, paint it, hide it and make some magic today! It is a great way to get you (and the kids) out and about!
Sally x
PS: Please note, this is not my own idea. I would love to credit whoever came up with the brilliant plan but I have been unable to find the original source. But whoever you are…you are a genius and thank you for spreading the joy!