I don’t know about you but my phone is full of pictures of my kids. I have thousands; I’m not kidding either, as I’m writing this I’m trying to save them onto my laptop ahead of holidays to make space.
Their faces are flashing up in front of me, I take 20 of the SAME THING, you wouldn’t waste good camera film like that, no way and the price of getting them developed. Give over. There's so many, I capture all the magic and not so magic moments of their little lives and the gorgeous people they share it with. As I’m sitting here looking at the pictures I’ve noticed that I really don't feature in very many of them.
So why am I not in the pictures? Well, because I look like a bag of cats most days. No makeup, hair all over the place, white sleep deprived face, glasses on, you get the picture. So I just don’t get in with them. I know, it's a pathetic reason, isn't it?
In twenty years time, I doubt my kids will say “ Mam look at the head on you there, you look wrecked” or “Look at you there Mam, hair not brushed and not a shred of makeup on you”. They will probably just think I look like a mam from 2017. They don’t give a crap and I need to make sure there’s some form of digital footprint of me and all of my family.
So it’s holiday time, I’ll be making sure to capture lots of family moments and selfies. They won’t be plaster all over my social media accounts, the world doesn’t need to see me looking like a bag of cats and the filters can only do so much, you know?
If you are like me and have a phone full of everyone and your kids, time to get in the mixer!
S xx