It’s pretty amazing that there are so many stories around detailing ‘miraculous’ babies and births, and little Ezra’s tale is one of the most heartwarming out there.


The tot has become an internet sensation, after appearing in a Star Wars-themed photo shoot celebrating his battle to overcome adversity and make it into the world.


Ezra’s mum, Amber Barlett, fought cancer a number of years ago, but after coming through the fight, she faced yet more health complications. She was shortly after diagnosed with copper deficiency disease, and has to receive fortnightly copper transfusions to stay functioning.


At this point, Amber had been told that she would likely never have any more children – which is why, when she found out 11 years later that she was pregnant, she was delighted but also concerned.


Doctors were worried too; unsure of how her copper transfusions would affect her baby, they told Amber to “prepare for the worst”.



Amber’s sister, Trish McCoy, is a photographer, and she has documented Amber’s story in an article titled "A Long, Long Time Ago, My Sister Was Told She Couldn’t Have Anymore Children".


In the piece, Trish explains that Amber gave birth to a perfect little boy, Ezra, who – aside from suffering with jaundice and lung issues – defied all of the doctors’ expectations.


Amber and her family regard Ezra’s birth and life as a miracle, and Trish decided to mark this remarkable tale with a Star Wars-themed photo shoot with the tot.


Sharing the photos, depicting tiny Ezra holding a light-saber, Trish explained the motivation behind them as marking “the beginning of light after years of darkness in his mum’s life”.


It doesn’t get much more inspiring than that now, does it?


