So the books, classes, doctors and friends have prepped us for the major things to expect as a new parent. We’ve had the rundown on sleepless nights, round-the-clock feedings and we’ve heard plenty, (perhaps too much) about the horrors of labour.  
However, there’s a few things we’re not likely to have been told - the weirder (but totally normal) things about our new bundles of joy.
Constant sneezing
Your baby is brand new to the world and as result, is extra-sensitive to well, everything. So if he/she is sneezing up a storm but doesn’t have a fever or seem sick, her nasal passages are probably just adjusting to all the dust in the air. Your baby will be photosensitive for a few months and might sneeze a lot when you take her out on a sunny day. Other common causes for sneezing could be to get rid of extra mucus or even amniotic fluid from the respiratory airways.
An oddly shaped head
The baby’s head might get a little squashed from their journey through the birth canal and this is totally normal. Since baby’s head is soft and malleable in the early days, squeezing down that narrow passage can definitely cause some flattening to occur. If you notice this, try holding the baby in your arms more, increase tummy time when baby’s awake and alternate which side you put their toys so she doesn’t favour one side.
A hairy body
After spending nine months in the womb, the baby might now be sporting a ‘bodysuit’ of fine hair called lanugo. Don’t panic, this is not a cause for concern. Lanugo should disappear of its own accord within a few days or weeks.
Crossed eyes
A slight case of wonk-eye in newborns is to be expected. They're still getting to grips with all their new senses and it will take some time for her to gain muscle control and hone her focusing techniques. However, even when the baby’s eyes may seem as if they’re crossed, they might not be. Because of a broad bridge of the nose, extra skin folds can mask some of the white parts of baby's eyes. This can create a sort of optical illusion called pseudoesotropia, so take a closer look.

