1. Can I afford a cat or kitten?
There are certain things your cat will need, like: food, scratching posts, treats, litter box, cat toys, brushes and grooming tools, cat carrier, collar, identification tag, and medical care. If you adopt a young kitten, it is very important to start off on the right foot and get your kitty proper medical care. Vaccinations are very important for both kittens and adult cats, but kittens will need a series of vaccinations in the beginning. Annual check-ups are also very important for the health of your cat. You will also have to give them regular deworming and defleaing treatments especially if your cat is outside.
Will you be able to afford medical expenses if your cat becomes ill? Many people get cats and then at the first sign of illness and potential medical expense, they take the cat to a shelter. Others wait until the last minute to take their cat to the vet. This denial of proper medical care is cruel to the animal and can actually end up costing more than if the cat was taken to the vet at the first sign of illness.
2. Do I have time for a cat?
While cats are independent, they do need love, nurturing, time to play and get exercise. If you do decide to get a cat, you will need to be able to spend quality time each and every day with your new family member.
3. Will my cat be indoors or outdoors?
For safety and longevity it is best to keep your cat indoors, or primarily indoors. Generally indoor cats live longer than outdoor only cats. This is due to several factors: outdoor cats are at a higher risk for some diseases, assault from other animals or humans, potential for getting hit by a vehicle, and other unknowns outdoor cats might face.
4. Do I have the space for a cat?
If you do choose to have an outdoor cat, do you have ample space? If you live in an apartment or home with a very small garden, having an outdoor only cat is probably not a good idea. If you decide to keep your cat strictly indoors, is there enough room in your home? While cats don’t require as much room as dogs, they do need room to run, roam, play and jump. Experts advise that any home smaller than 700 sq. feet is too small for one cat.
5. Can I deal with litter box issues?
Cats do tend to be very clean animals and instinctually bury their waste. You will, however, need to clean out your cat’s litter box. And there could potentially be accidents. If a cat is stressed, something changes with the litter box (type of litter or placement), or if a cat becomes ill, s/he could have an accident outside the litter box. Sometimes when a cat is ill, s/he will go outside the litter box as a way of telling us something is wrong.
6. What about cat hair?
Cats do shed. Are you willing to faithfully brush your cat and deal with the cat hair that comes with your precious cat? On your furniture and clothes? Keeping your home immaculate will take a bit more work.
7. Can I accept that my furniture might potentially get scratched or damaged?
You can train your cat not to claw the furniture by supplying them scratching posts however if you don’t your cat might use your furniture as a scratching post.
8. Can I deal with other potentially bad behaviours?
Cats are usually very easy to train, and oftentimes come to us already knowledgeable about how to use a litter box, keep themselves clean, use a scratching post, and so on. There might be situations, however, when you will need to train your cat or deal with the consequences of not doing so. You need to be willing to address these possible bad behaviors and not get angry with the cat. Dislike the behaviour, not the cat.
Image via Pinterest.