This 3-cheese aubergine veggie lasagne is our go-to dinner right now

You'll need...

2 large aubergines

1tsp salt

2tbsp olive oil

1 yellow onion

3 cloves garlic

75g mushrooms

1tsp oregano

1tsp basil

1/2tsp pepper

1 can chopped tomatoes

150g ricotta

1 egg

50g parmesan

Fresh chopped parsley

100g shredded mozzarella

black and brown vegetable dish

Slice aubergines into long, lengthways slices so that they form the veggie version of lasagne pasta slices. Salt them on both sides and leave them for 20 minutes before patting dry with paper towels.

In a large pan over a medium heat, heat olive oil before adding in chopped onion, garlic and chopped mushrooms. Season with oregano, basil, salt and pepper. Cook, stirring continuously for 5-10 minutes.

Add in your chopped tomatoes and leave to simmer for 10 minutes.

In a large bowl, spoon in your ricotta, one egg, parmesan and parsley before mixing them all together with a fork until fully blended.

In your lasagne dish, spoon in enough of your tomato mix to coat the bottom of the dish.

Layer in your eggplant slices before covering with your cheese mixture and then sprinkle in your mozzarella.

Repeat the last two steps, finishing with a layer of mozzarella until your mixtures run out.

Cook for 40 minutes at 200C and serve up with a sprinkling of fresh parsley!

White Ceramic Plate With Stainless Steel Fork

