Mums and muggles alike, none of us can deny the fact that we have a soft spot for all things magical, especially when it comes to Harry Potter.
Well, there is a new Harry Potter jewellery collection thanks to the gorgeous people at ThinkGeek, and it looks AMAZING.
Whether you're a Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff, you be be able to find a piece of bling that caters to your Hogwarts house.
Depending on which house you rep, the beautiful range of charm bracelets come in gold or silver, and retails for the very reasonable price of €55.
But wait, there's more.
The line of wizarding bling also includes a number of wonderful charms you can add to your bracelet, which are inspired by iconic moments, from the Hogwarts express to the time turner.
The charms go for €20 each, which, again seems pretty reasonable.
However, like most Harry Potter memoriabilia, we reckon these bracelets will sell out faster than Harry on a Nimbus 2000.
They have already started to go viral online (as per usual) and are selling like hot cakes.
From Harry himself to Hagrid and Ron, we guarantee these charm bracelets are all approved by all your favourite characters from the series.