Time to apply! Here’s how to apply for tickets to the Late Late Toy Show

It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for — applications are now open for tickets to this year’s Late Late Toy Show!

That’s right, the annual highlight in Irish television is just around the corner, and we for one, couldn’t be more excited.

Whether you admit it or not, everyone and their dog will be tuning into The Late Late Toy Show on RTÉ One this coming November 26. 

Each year we’re reminded of our childhood, when our folks would allow us to stay up late and bask in the wonder and amazement that the Toy Show had to offer. From the vast array of toys to the whimsical performances, our little hearts just couldn’t handle it!

Now though, as adults we still get an abundance of entertainment out of the Toy Show. After all, who could miss the iconic tricycle catwalk or the tear-jerking stories? Not forgetting of course the many hilarious mishaps when toys inevitably fall apart on the night. It’s a hoot!

As we know, tickets to this beloved television show are like gold dust, even more so this year due to a reduced audience. But if you’re not in, you can’t win, so you might as well give it a go and submit an application form, here.

Applicants are required to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 and they must be over the age of 18. They're also asked to write a little bit about themselves and why they'd be eager to attend.

While the theme for this year’s Toy Show has yet to be revealed, we have no doubt it will be absolutely magical. 


