During the summer, many of us look towards fake tan to get the ultimate golden glow, although it can get a little bit flaky and patchy overtime.


However, rather than scrubbing and exfoliating your entire body every week, take note of the following tips to keep it looking flawless.


1. Moisturise

Make sure you moisturise your skin every day so that it doesn’t become dry and flaky. It will also help your tan fade naturally rather than in sections.


2. Skip the bath

Don’t have a bath while you have your tan on unless you want to scrub it off. Soaking in water will cause it to fade and come off a lot sooner than you may like.



3. Don’t rub your skin dry

After you have had a shower, avoid rubbing your skin dry with a towel, instead, pat the excess water off to ensure you don’t remove any of the tan.


4. Use a sharp razor

When shaving your legs, don’t use the razor that has been in your bathroom for a few days as it will rub the skin. Instead use a new one that is sharp and clean.


5. Touch up

Do touch up your tan every week if you want it to last for a lot longer. Only one layer over the old coat is enough to make it gradually become darker though.


