Often thought of as a teenager problem, adults can also end up with a number of blemishes on their face that can be tempting to pick at.


However, apart from being sore, picking at your face can leave you something worse - scars and infections.


If you are prone to poking and prodding your spots, have a read of the following to help you stop, once and for all.


1. Leave reminder notes

Pop a few post-it notes around your home in areas when you are more likely to pick – your bathroom for instance – so that you are constantly being reminded. It is difficult to break a habit and little reminders can help you on the way. 


2. Keep your hands off your face

Make sure you keep your hands off your face, particularly when you are just sitting down or at work. Not only will this be a conscious effort to help you stop picking at your face, your hands are covered in bacteria that can cause your skin to produce more spots.


3. Wear gloves

If you really can’t stop try creating a barrier to make it that bit harder. Wearing a pair of gloves might feel a little ridiculous but it will really help and even sitting on your hands when watching telly can help. 



