Choosing a name for your baby has got to be one of the hardest parts of new motherhood. Many mums usually have a few names that they love and will wait until their little one’s arrival before finally settling on it.


However, what happens when you fall in love with one name and your other half falls in love with another?  


Baby name quarrels are not a rare occurrence in the first few days or even weeks of baby’s life, but, thankfully, there are a few things you can do to stop the bickering.


Rule out names that are a no go

You should rule out names that are a no go from the onset so that you both know where you are at. The names of ex-partners, work colleagues you don’t like and celebrities you simply can’t stand is a good starting point!


Write down a pros and cons list

Each of you could sit down and write a pros and cons list of your name choice. You might be able to convince your other half why it is the one or vice versa!


Pick a name out of the hat

If you both like the two names, but simply prefer your own over the other, why not pop them into a hat and pull one out. This is probably the fairest way to help you decide. At least you know you will like the name...


Use both names

If you are both really settled on your name choice, why not use one as a first name and the other as a middle name. This way both of you are happy, although you’ll have to fight over whose name gets to be first...


Double barrel name

If you can’t decide on whose name gets to be first and whose gets to be second, why not see if they work together as one. Double barrel names like Ann-Marie or Sarah-Louise are not uncommon and they do have a lovely ring to them.


Whatever you do decide to do, you should probably be quick – you can’t keep calling your little one Baby forever. 


