Hands up who over-indulged on the chocolate front last weekend? We know we did. Not only is our waistline paying for our sugar binges, but the effects on our skin are all-too noticeable too.
Sugar is not good for our skin. It’s not rocket science - we’re fully aware of it, and yet we just can’t help ourselves when faces with a giant chocolate egg…or 10! Luckily, Jennifer Rock, aka The Skin Nerd, is on hand to give us the lowdown on sugar and the skin, and how to minimise the post-Easter aftermath.
This is the fancy-pants name given to sugaring within the skin. Essentially, glycation is the diet's visual impact on the skin, leaving it sluggish, lethargic, yellowing, inflamed and lined – lovely!
What to do what to do?
OK, so first off - drop that chocolate bar (bit late now, you say!). Walk away from the sweet press, and invest in anti glycation ingredients within your fridge/cupboards and within your skincare regime.
These ingredients include: vitamin C, vitamin E, green tea, niacinamide and antioxidants. Basically, eat green and look for health and goodness!
It is important to note, however, that we need not alienate sugar entirely – life is for living, after all! Similar to oil and fats, there is a need everything in moderation!
Prevention is all well and good but what do you do when the damage is already done?
If dealing with inflammation and breakouts, here are The Skin Nerd's top tips for getting your skin back in shape:
- Advice not squeeze your spots often falls on deaf ears, so if you must, clean the fingers thoroughly before you attempt to extract and disinfect the affected area afterwards.
- Book in for a consult with a trained therapist to identify the most suitable and effective products for your own skin.
- Research the link between gut bacteria and general bacteria as I find when my probiotics intake is constant my congestion is less.
- Don't over exfoliate the skin - bacteria is not always a negative, it's a natural function occurring on top of the skin - stripping is as detrimental as neglect. If not more so as the skin is an organ.
- Look out for products with the following ingredients - Tyrosinase inhibitors such as kojic acid, daisy flower, vitamin c, niacinamide as they lessen the possibility of scarring post acne.
- For stubborn spots lancing is an option where advanced therapists and qualified electrologists will remove a trapped blackhead white head or indeed trapped lumps and bumps that never turn into "real" spots.
Jennifer Rock operates as an independent skincare expert, having set up her new business; The Skin Nerd - alongside her award winning, sell out Cleanse-Off Mitt.
Having worked with beauty giants such as IMAGE, Yon-Ka, Environ; and having set up the Renaissance Academy and previously taught for the IIAA: International Institute for Anti-Ageing, Bronwyn Conroy’s' College, Beauty Academy and lectured worldwide; Jennifer Rock’s wealth of skincare knowledge has earned her a loyal social media following.
Jennifer is an award-winning beauty therapist and trainer, regular contributor for radio and trade articles.