Our skincare routine needs to change as we get older – sticking to the same old schedule we’ve had since our teens is not going to cut it anymore.


While staying with tried and tested methods often feels like the best and safest for good skin, you’ll be surprised just how significant even the smallest change can make.


1. Moisturise straight away

As soon as you step out of the shower, pat your skin dry and then cover yourself in moisturiser. Stick to one suitable for your skin type and use a separate one for your face and body.



2. Cleanse at night

Unless you have acne or another skin condition, avoid cleansing your face morning and night as it can cause irritation and dryness. Instead a quick wash in the morning to freshen you up and a proper deep cleanse at night should be enough.



3. Warm up your creams

While rubbing a cold lotion or cream onto your face or body can feel refreshing, warming it up helps it absorb into your skin quicker. Pour a little out onto your hand and gives it 30 seconds to warm up.



4. Use a face mask

At least once a month apply a face mask to your skin to give it a good deep clean – a peel off one is best for blemish skin while a rich, moisturising one is great for dry skin.



