What about the old wives tales like using butter or toothpaste?
How to treat a burn
How can mum identify the seriousness of the burn?
How to treat a burn
After the first 10 minutes what should mum do?
Treating a burn
What are the best ways to prevent burn accidents in the kitchen?
Kitchen hotspots for children
What are the first steps to take if your child gets a burn?
What you can do if your child gets a burn
What are the key hotspots that could cause a burn to a baby or a child?
Hotspots to avoid children getting burned
How to prevent a finger accident from happening
Tips to avoid finger injuries in the home
What to do if unsure if the child's finger is broken or bruised
Broken or bruised?
Once the finger is packed in ice, what should mum do next?
Finger amputation
What you should do in the event of a finger amputation
Finger amputation steps
What are the most common areas in the house where children can catch their fingers?
Avoid the kitchen nightmare with these top tips