A Wexford primary school has been forced to reopen their doors to in-person learning, just two days after their board of management made the decision to close up due to a severe Covid outbreak, and over 30 positive cases.
Writing to parents on Sunday evening, October 17, the school’s board of management explained that they had made the decision to close the school immediately, “as a vital health and safety precaution for all”.
The letter outlined that they had “over 30 cases of Covid-19 in our school and expect to hear more in the coming days.”
However, the board of management have now been forced to reverse this decision, reopening their doors to in-person learning today.
In a letter sent home to parents at 9:15pm on Tuesday night, school principal Vicky Barron said, “Despite the ongoing concerns for the safety of our pupils, the considered decisions of the Board of Management, and after lengthy communications with the Department of Education, we have now been instructed to return to face to face learning with immediate effect.”
"Therefore, we have been directed to re-open the school building to pupils tomorrow, Wednesday, October 20.”
The letter asked parents not to send their child into school this morning if they were symptomatic, a close contact, a household contact or awaiting a Covid test result. “Children with symptoms will be sent home, even those of a mild illness,” the letter continued.
In a statement released by the HSE, they explained, "If public health determines that all staff and children need to be removed from an educational facility, it is based on a comprehensive Pubic health risk assessment and engagement with the facility."
However, they also noted that public health "very rarely" requires all students and staff to stay away from an educational facility.
Meanwhile, another primary school in Co. Wicklow also had to close up one week before the mid-term break due to Covid concerns. However, it’s understood that this school’s closure was in accordance with public health guidance.