Losing a pet whether it is a dog or a cat, is truly heartbreaking and even more so on kids who won’t really understand what happened.


And while microchipping is one of the most effective ways to ensure your pet is found safe and sound, there are a number of things you can do, most of which will help your child feel like they are helping and will also keep them distracted.


1. Contact your local animal shelter or dog warden to see if they have been turned in. Keep in mind you only have five working days to claim your dog from the warden.


2. Contact local vets as your pet may have been involved in an accident and brought in for treatment.


3. Put up posters around the area such as the post office or local shop so that anyone who finds your animal knows who to contact and what to do.


4. Place an ad in the lost and found section of a number of animal sites – Lost and Found Pets or Lost Dogs.


5. Ring the local garda station to see if they have come across or been notified of a stray.

