It’s never nice to see our little one in pain and we will often do our best to make it a little easier for our baby, but we can’t always keep our tot’s tears at bay. There are plenty of ways to ease your baby’s pain though. Teething rings are great for your child to gnaw on and placing teething rings in the fridge will also help in cooling down your tot’s swollen gums. Cool foods can be a great source of relief for your baby’s teeth and thankfully there are plenty of over-the-counter teething gel and medications that can help to lessen those tears.
As well as plenty of tears your baby will be gnawing on a lot of things. Teething rings are a great for this and even your own fingers can help relieve your tot’s pain. Your baby will want to try and chew on many things in order to counter pressure their gums are feeling and to relieve any pain.
First tooth sighting
Your baby will start to feel some pain on their gums around three days before an actual tooth starts to pop through. So often the third day can be the most painful for your tot, as that is when the tooth starts to break the skin. This is a process that your baby will have to go through for each tooth and in total the teething process can last up to seven months. The front teeth are the first to come and the back teeth start to follow in the later months.
Your little one will be in a lot of pain and will have no idea why, so they will be understandably fussy as a result. It’s normal for your child to develop a slight fever and even a runny nose whilst teething. If that occurs all you can do to ease their pain is through the above methods of cool snacks, teething rings and if necessary medication. If your child’s fever is cause for concern though, do go see your doctor as they can prescribe something that can help cool your baby down and overcome their teething pain.