So recently since Ryan started school I have been enjoying my new found freedom for four and a half hours per day when the kids have gone to school and Josh has gone to work. I have began to partake in many exciting activities such as drinking a hot cup of coffee, going more than an hour without hearing about babyshark and watching t.v. shows that are not on either Nick Jr. or Disney Junior.
This was all going great until I began to realise a few things; theres only so many cups of coffee you can drink and t.v. shows you can watch until you become, well.. bored and lonely. This led me to the conclusion that I must find myself a part time job for a few hours a day while the kids are at school. Easy, right? Absolutely wrong.
As I set off on my job search I ran in to one major difficulty; the only experience I have is being a mother and every job I've tried to apply for requires experience. Which got me thinking... why shouldn't being a mother qualify as experience? Heres why it should:
1) I work well as part of a team. My tiny colleagues don't always work well together, but they do like each other sometimes. Plenty of team activities helps with this.
2) I can deal with complaints efficiently. Have an angry customer with a complaint? No problem, I am well used to solving 10,457,986 complaints per day.
3) I am GREAT at resolving conflicts. Wait, what do you mean time-out doesn't work when dealing with customers?
4) I have the patience of a saint. Baby Shark has been on repeat for the past 45 minutes and I have yet to lose my shit.
5) I am used to being on call 24/7. Because my tiny colleagues have no sense of initiative.
6) I am literally the best multitasker you will ever meet. There is no point wasting time by eating breakfast sitting down when you can easily sort the washing while eating breakfast, signing permission slips and looking for a missing shoe at half 8 in the morning.
7) I have amazing customer service skills. If you piss off the tiny humans, life will not be worth living.
8) I am extremely hardworking. What mother isn't?
9) I am good at using my own initiative. Because I'm used to asking Josh to take the bin out 700 times and then give up and do it myself anyway.
10) I work well under pressure. Story of my life.
And finally....
And so the job hunt continues.