When toddlers bite it is generally a sign of frustration at not being able to voice their aggression and so it comes out in their actions.
However, if your baby of 8 or 9 month old suddenly starts sinking their new and still growing teeth into you it is not a sign of aggression.
It could simply be that your baby is teething and the pressure that comes from biting something gives them some relief.
In this case it is important to give baby something safe that they can chomp away on such as a teething ring that will also give relief as it is cold.
If baby bites while breastfeeding it may be that they are teething and the nipple is giving relief. It could also be because they have a blocked nose. A baby biting you while nursing could also be due to distraction as they take in the world around them.
A baby cannot actually feed and bite you at the same time as when they are feeding their tongue will rest on their bottom teeth meaning that baby biting your nipple will only occur when he is not actually feeding.
While taking a strict discipline route with a toddler may be effective in nipping biting in the bud, it may not be of much use to a younger baby.
It is important not to react dramatically if baby bites you, especially if you are breastfeeding as it may startle them and they may associate this scare with breastfeeding.
Instead, when baby bites you should react calmly by simply saying “No” and distracting baby by replacing the object of his biting desires with a teething ring, reading a book or singing a song.