They say the kitchen is the heart of the house and this couldn’t be more so when you are a mum with hungry mouths to feed. However, being the most commonly used room, it means this area of the home can cause a lot of frustrations.


To help you enjoy the room rather than become annoyed by it, we’ve sorted out these common issues:


1. No space

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a huge kitchen and many families find themselves tripping up over each other in the small space. To sort this out take everything out of the room that shouldn’t be there and do a clean out of your cabinets. Give away utensils and pots that you no longer use and, if possible, take the kitchen table out and replace it with a small breakfast bar or invest in a foldable table.


2. Disorganised

Your kitchen won’t work properly if the plates and cutlery are on two different sides of the room and your pots and pans are everywhere. Place similar items in the same place and organise your shelves so that each is home to a particular item e.g. tins with tins, plates with plates and breakfast items with breakfast items.



3. Inefficient

You need to ensure the space is efficient and the layout is not causing you more work. Try to keep the counter beside the sink and the hob clear of clutter and designate it as a food surface. Store pots beside the oven and keep items that you don’t use frequently up high so you don’t have to keep moving them every time you are looking for something.


4. Bad smells

With the dishwasher, the bin and the sink being the main culprits for creating bad smells you need to focus your attention on these. Try to clean the dishwasher regularly by putting it on empty, and bring out the bins every second day. To clear the sink, pour a cup of baking soda down the drain and allow it to sit for 15 minutes before pouring down a cup of vinegar. After about five minutes, rinse it away with boiling water.


