It’s impossible to be happy every single minute of every single day, but so often many of us create our own bubble of unhappiness.


Most of us are guilty of doing one or two of the following things that suck the happiness out of us, but it’s time to stop.


1. Stressing about the state of your house

When you live in a house with one, two, or more kids, it is inevitable it is going to be messy. And no matter how hard you try to keep on tops of things there will always be shoes in the middle of the floor or an overflowing laundry basket – just let it go.


2. Having too many regrets

Whether it’s regretting you didn’t start saving sooner, giving up a job or even something you wish you had done when you were younger, lingering on it is not going to help you feel better. Regret it and then move on – it’s never too late to start.


3. Forgetting who you were pre-baby

It’s easy to give up your interests when you become a mum and while time with your infant is precious, it is just as important for you to have some ‘me-time’. Get a hobby, go out with your friends or pick up something where you left off – anything that is just for you.


4. Listening to too many self-righteous parents

There is always going to be a mum who thinks they are better a parent than you. Let them think that – you are fine as you are.


5. Trying to be too quick

Don’t rush through life trying to get things done quickly. There is something incredibly special about reading your little one a story without having to think about the clock ticking.  



6. Trying to fit too much into each day

Your to-do-list is never going to be completed so stop trying to fit too much into one day. You will end up rushing through everything and not get anything done properly.


7. Fighting battles that don’t matter

So your child wants to wear odd socks to school? This is a battle that doesn’t need to be fought. Let it go.


8. Spending all day inside

When you have chores piling up it is easy to get stuck indoors all day, but spending all day inside can drain you and dampen your spirits. Even if it’s just for five or ten minutes, get outside and breathe in some fresh air.


9. Eating alone

Many mums can leave eating their own dinner to after their kids have eaten, and while it certainly means you get to eat it hot, you are missing out on happy family time.


10. Always saying no

Trying saying yes at least once a day – you will instantly feel more positive.




