Cluster feeding, or bunch feeding, is when a baby’s feeding times are closer together at certain times during the day, and then longer at other times. This often occurs in the evenings. These cluster feedings are often followed by a longer sleep – though this is not always the case. Your baby might feed every hour between 6 and 10pm – or they may feed constantly for that time – and then have a long sleep that night.
You may find that your baby is acting fussy during cluster feeding. Baby might nurse for a few minutes, then pull away and fuss or cry, then nurse again for another few minutes and so on. This can go on for hours. Mums can, understandably, get very frustrated when this happens and you may wonder if your baby is getting enough milk. You might also worry that you’re doing something wrong.
However, this behaviour is perfectly normal. If your baby seems perfectly happy the rest of the day and doesn’t appear to be in pain during these fussy times, then simply try and soothe your baby and try not to stress about it.
Let your baby nurse for as long and as often as they want. If necessary, get dad or a friend to bring you food, drinks, a book etc while this is going on.
You may be worried that you won’t have enough milk for your baby, but rest assured this is perfectly normal. Feed your baby when they want to be fed and your body will soon be in sync with your baby’s feeding pattern. The more you feed your baby, the more milk your body will produce. These fussy times will usually pass by the time your baby is three to four months.

