Families are facing a quality time quandary, with parents craving more quality time with their children, but lacking both time and ideas on fun things to do.
To help parents, HB Hazelbrook Farm has launched their Quality Time Together campaign to encourage Irish mums and dads to make a date to spend quality time with their families.
The Quality Time Together campaign shares ideas from Irish parents and activities include Bunny & Chick Easter Checkers, an Easter Egg Hunt and craft guides to creating Easter banners and Salt Dough Easter Egg ornaments. So, you’ll find some great inspiration for fitting quality time together into your day.
According to an online survey conducted by HB Hazelbrook Farm, over a quarter of parents most enjoy catching up with their family over dinner and dessert, so the campaign also features recipes designed to help parents make dessert time fun, exciting and nutritious.
They also give parents the opportunity to incorporate fruit and nuts into dessert and occasional treat times to HB Hazelbrook Farm, which is made with 50% whole milk.
Celebrity mum Yvonne Keating believes “the HB Hazelbrook Farm Quality Time Together campaign shows parents just how easy it can be to enjoy time with our children. We need to stop feeling guilty and make the most of the time that we do have together!”

