You asked

How do I attach baby?

Your baby should lie in your arm, with her body in against your upper body, facing your breast. Her head and body should be in alignment, with her nose touching your nipple. Hold your baby, so that the head is supported, with the chin pointing forward, touching your breast just below the nipple. Your child's mouth should then be able to cover most of the areola. To encourage your child to open her mouth, brush the upper lip with your nipple. More of the bottom region of your nipple will be taken in, than the top.
If your baby has attached successfully, the following will be noticeable: Her mouth is open wide, with a relatively large amount of breast inside; her chin is in contact with your breast; although not always visible, her bottom lip will be curled back; you can see more of the top of your areola visible outside your baby's mouth, than is visible at the bottom; Her cheeks will rounded and full from sucking; sucking patterns will alternate between short intakes, and longer intakes, with pauses in between.
You should feel no pain during feeding if your baby is latched on correctly. While you are still learning to breastfeed, you may feel some discomfort, but this will pass, as you and your child get used to the routine. Continued pain or discomfort felt during breastfeeding, is often an indication that your child has not attached properly. Gently press on the corner of her mouth to get her to release suction, and assist her with reattachment. If pain persists, consult your midwife, doctor or public health nurse.

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