You asked

I've heard that breastmilk and formula are almost the same. Is this true?

Many mothers when deciding how to feed their babies are under the impression that formula is almost the same as breastmilk. This is completely untrue and by choosing breastmilk you are choosing what is best for your baby. Formula can never compete with mother’s breastmilk even if it claims to contain all the same substances. Colostrum is contained in breastmilk for the first few days after birth which contains antibodies and vitamins designed to protect your baby from infection. Formula milk doesn’t contain these antibodies which is why formula fed babies are more prone to illnesses like chest infections or gastroenteritis.
Iron is another great example of how breastmilk is far superior to formula. Breastmilk contains plenty of iron to keep your baby sufficient for at least six months. Formula however needs to contain six times more iron than breastmilk to keep babies sufficient. This is because iron in formula is not as readily absorbed as it is in breastmilk. There are also hundreds of components to breastmilk that are not included in formula and it is impossible to know the full benefits of breastmilk as it changes  from day to day depending on your babies needs. There is no way to duplicate breastmilk as it constantly evolving to suit your baby.
Breastmilk is also more hygienic for your baby as it isn’t touched by human hands so it is far less likely to carry any germs that can cause infections. Breast fed babies are also less likely to get nappy rash as their stools don’t contain the bacteria that can cause the rash.
By opting to breastfeed you are choosing the best start for your baby. Babies who are breastfed have a lower risk of cancer and have a better developed immune system. Breastfeeding is also better for you as a hormone called oxytocin is produced during breastfeeding which helps reduce the risks of certain types of cancers. It also makes you lose weight faster because your fat is needed to make breast milk. Most importantly, you will also develop a unique bond with your baby while breastfeeding that you will cherish always.  

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