Becoming a mother is one of the toughest things that you can do and regardless of how prepared you are for it, you can find it overwhelming and pretty scary for the first couple of months, especially if it is your first.


It’s during this time when new mums start to struggle, both physically and mentally, as they deal with their new role and the rollercoaster of emotions that come with it.


To help you maintain good mental health, follow these five top tips:



Exercise can help improve your state of mind as it increases the production of serotonin – a neurotransmitter that is associated with improved moods. So with the approval of your doctor, start exercising a little each day or even every second day. If you were a runner pre-pregnancy slowly get back into it, but if you can’t face anything too strenuous, a fast-paced walk with baby in buggy for 30 minutes each day is perfect.


Get outside

Make sure you get outside in the fresh air at least once a day. Not only will being cooped up in the house make you feel lonely and fatigued, getting your daily dose of natural light will help improve your mood and help prevent anxiety disorders. You don’t have to go far, a trip to the local park or a leisurely walk with friends is enough to keep you topped up and ready to tackle anything that comes your way.


Accept help when it is offered

Sometimes new mums can feel that accepting help is a sign of weakness or that they can’t cope, but it’s not. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone about your parenting capabilities, so accept help when it is offered.


Ask for help if you need to

If you are struggling with anything make sure you speak up and let people know. Allowing it to fester will just cause you to lose perspective of the situation and become more withdrawn. We all need help so don’t be afraid to ask even if you’re only looking for a family member to mind your baby while you catch up on sleep.


Don’t pressure yourself

Don’t pressure yourself to be the perfect mother or to lose your baby weight quickly. This will only add extra strain to your already overstretched mind and make you unnecessarily stressed out. Spend your days getting to know your baby and bonding with him or her.


If you are worried about how you are feeling, contact your GP 

