Kissing your other half should be an enjoyable and fun experience for both of you.


While there is nothing wrong with sticking to your tried and tested method if it feels good, there are a few things you can do to make it that little bit better.


1. Make sure your breath is fresh

No one likes to pucker up with someone who has food in their mouth, so make sure you both have minty fresh breath.


2. Moisten your lips

Before either of you go in for the kill, moisten your lips slightly by gently licking them – do it in a sexy, sultry way to get the ball rolling if you want!


3. Close your eyes

Lose yourself in the moment by closing your eyes - you’ll be able to feel every sensation that bit more.



4. Hold them

Kissing doesn’t simply mean you have to stick your tongue down someone’s mouth - explore with your hands to make it that bit more fun.


5. Don’t forget to breathe

Take a little pause every now and then to breathe – don’t end up having to push them away to gasp for air!


6. It’s not all about the tongue

Small, closed mouth kisses can be just as sexy as open mouth ones so don’t knock them!



