We think there'll be some very proud parents in Hollywood this week as the world reads the views of 23-year-old musician and DJ, Miles Robbins.

The performer, who is the youngest son of Oscar winners Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins, used The Huffungton Post as a platform to speak out against the imposition of 'gender norms' in today's society.

Having faced media speculation after his mother recently praised him for wearing dresses while performing with his band, Miles laments the boundaries inflicted on society and questions the pressure put on individuals to conform to one gender identity.

Addressing the issue raised by his mother, Miles wrote: "So, so, so many people, especially musicians, have done this before me. I wear dresses on stage and to occasional fancy dress events because I do not enjoy neckties. "

Elaborating on the motivation behind the decision, the articulate young man, whose mother is a long-term LGBT advocate, went on to say: "I wear dresses to embrace femininity (adjective) but not to re-assign my gender to female (noun)."

Focussing on the pressures aimed at modern day teens, Tim Robbins' son displayed genuine empathy, saying: "I cannot imagine how difficult it is to be born in the wrong body, especially in the brutal and unforgiving age of Internet bullying. I wish that gender didn't have to be assigned on public documents like driver's licenses, passports and such... that is the pressure that society puts on trans people."

It sounds like Susan and Tim's son has grown into a very well-adjusted young man.

