If only babies could tell us their reasons for getting so worked up, life would be much simpler. However, they're usually crying over one of the following reasons, so make sure to check you've ruled out any of these reasons, before you break down in tears yourself:
If your baby is crying as well as smacking his or her lips, putting their hands to their mouths or fussing about, then they might be looking for food.
Needs a nappy change
A dirty nappy isn’t nice, but luckily it’s easily fixed if this is the reason your baby is crying.
They’re overtired
If your baby isn’t sleeping well they might be overtired and start fussing and crying – and who can blame them? Try making soothing noises to help them drift off.
They want to be held
Babies love being held close to their parents so they can hear their heartbeat and feel all snug and secure – and don’t worry about spoiling them because it can’t be overdone in the first few months. They don’t have the cognitive ability just yet to remember that the last time that you cuddled them.
Gas or colic
Having wind in your tummy is uncomfortable and sometimes sore, so if your baby cries right after being fed, this could be the reason. Many parents use over-the-counter anti-gas drops for babies if they suffer from colic, but always make sure to get your doctors approval. If it’s just a once off bout of wind, then try putting your little one on their back and moving their legs as if they’re on a bike. Pat them on the back too incase it’s a burp that’s making them uncomfortable.
A ‘hair tourniquet’
This is something so simple most of us wouldn’t even think of it. Doctors refer to a hair being wrapped around a baby’s toe as a ‘hair tourniquet’ and it’s the first thing they look for if a baby won’t stop crying. We wouldn’t blame a baby for crying over this, it sounds very irritating indeed.
They’re teething
Feel your baby’s gums to see if there are any signs of any teeth breaking through. It doesn’t usually happen until they’re between four and seven months, but it can happen sooner. If this is the case, try a teething ring or ask your pharmacist about any over-the-counter remedies.
They don’t feel well
A sick baby’s cry tends to sound different to their regular cry, so if you don’t quite recognise their wail then they could be coming down with something. Check their temperature, and if you’re worried, contact your GP.

