Whether you’re too tired for sex, simply aren’t in the mood or you can’t zone out from every day stresses, you may be inclined to fake an orgasm. And while this means you will be able to get to sleep quicker, you are just short-changing yourself.


These reason why you shouldn’t fake it will certainly change your mind though:


You need to take control of your sex life

If you aren’t managing to orgasm, faking it is not going to help the situation. Now is the time to take control of your sex life and try new things until you do manage to climax.


You aren’t being honest with yourself or your partner

Your partner is presuming that you are enjoying yourself, sure how could they know the difference? Honesty is key to a good relationship, particularly when it comes to your sex life. So stop faking it, talk to you other half and maybe try something new.


You’re neglecting your needs

If you are faking it all the time, you are just short-changing yourself and neglecting your own needs. You will never feel fully satisfied and sex can start to feel like a chore.


You'll be turned off intimate relations

If you are constantly faking it, you will start to feel unsatisfied and begin to yearn for something. It can even start to impact on your relationship as you struggle to get in the mood. 

