The family festival season is upon us and to help you to keep your little ones happy on the journey to and from the festivals we have a list of travel friendly games for you to enjoy, with thanks to POM-BEAR.
Click the downloadable PDF to print out the games and some handy puzzle pages for your little ones to enjoy. 
I Spy
The directions are simple: One person spies something and recites the line, ending in a clue. Everyone else takes turns trying to guess the mystery item.
Road Trip Bingo
This fun game combines bingo with a scavenger hunt. Each player gets a bingo card - which they can help you make at home before you set off - and a crayon. When a player spies an item on his card, he or she ticks it off. Just like in bingo, the first player to cover all the squares in a straight line wins.
X and Os
All you need are two players and a pencil to play this popular standby. Player One places an X on the grid, Player Two plots an O. They continue to take turns until one player has three across.
I’m Going on a Picnic
The first player says “I’m going on a picnic and I’m bringing...” followed by something that begins with A, such as apples. The second player repeats what the first person said, but adds something that begins with B and so on with the rest of the alphabet. If someone forgets an item, they’re out. The last player to be able to recite all the items on the list wins.
20 Questions Player
One thinks of a person, place or thing. Everyone else takes turns asking questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. After each answer, the questioner gets one guess. Play continues until a player guesses correctly.
Name That Tune
One player thinks of a song that everybody knows and hums its first few notes. The other players try to guess the name of the song. If they can’t guess, the first player keeps humming more notes in the song until someone comes up with the right answer.
The Preacher’s Cat
Starting with A, the Player 1 says: “The preacher’s cat is an adorable cat named Amy.” Player 2 replaces the two underlined words with words beginning with the next letter of the alphabet and so on. If a player can’t think of a new word, or if he or she repeats a word, they’re out. The game continues until there is one remaining player.
Spot the Car
Get the kids to jot down, and shout out every new model of car they spot. The player with the most models at the end of the journey, wins. There can be bonus marks for the most recent year, and make.
I’m Thinking of an Animal
One player thinks of an animal. The other tries to guess which animal it is by asking no more than ten “yes” or “no” questions. If he guesses correctly in ten questions or fewer, he gets to think of the next animal. If not, the first player reveals the answer and then thinks of another animal.
Players take turns imitating people known to all the other participants. These can be famous actors, television characters, or even the loud next-door neighbour. The players can’t say who they’re mimicking or give hints; they rely only on their acting ability. The first person to guess who’s being imitated gets a point. The first to 10 wins!

