As soon as summer comes around, the world becomes a mass of ads and media telling you the ultimate way to get beach body ready.


However, for most of us, there is neither the time nor the motivation to spend our days pounding it in the gym, eating nothing but smoothies and buffing our skin until it is glowing.


No, for most of us, we have to go to the beach just as we are, and ladies, there is nothing wrong with that.


Here are ten things you need to remember before you head to the beach:


1. Your kids won’t remember your muffin top in your tankini, they’ll remember the fun you had on the beach.


2. Nobody is looking at your beach body, they all have their own issues to deal with.


3. You are not the only one on the sand to feel self-conscious without make-up on – just don’t let it get in your way of having fun.



4. Your stretch marks aren’t as visible as your brain is making you think they are.


5. You don’t need to be tanned up to the nines to be worthy of a bikini.


6. Nobody looks like the characters in movies – let’s just not even go there.



7. Your boobs may not be as pert as they were in your early twenties, but that doesn’t mean they are any less desirable.


8. Who cares if you haven’t painted your toe nails – only you can see them!


9. Everyone has cellulite. Seriously.


10. A swimsuit can be just as sexy as a teeny, tiny bikini.



